The Haptic Playground is a workshop at CHI 2024 designed to democratize haptic design and empower creators from all backgrounds to innovate within this transformative space. Our mission is to dismantle the technical and interdisciplinary barriers that have traditionally segmented haptic research and practice.
This one-day workshop offers an unparalleled opportunity for both established experts and new hapticians to collaborate and break through disciplinary silos. Featuring keynote talks from esteemed figures in the field and interactive sessions with innovative tangible tools, we aim to foster an environment where diverse perspectives unite to forge a more inclusive and universally accessible haptic future.
Honululu, Hawaii, USA
May 11th 2024
Stanford University
University of British Columbia
Assistant Professor
University of Southern California
The workshop consists of three guest talks, a hands-on session, and follow-up discussion sessions. These are tentative schedules to accommodate our speakers and participants.
PhD Student
University of Waterloo
Associate Professor
University of Waterloo
Phd Student
University of Southern California
Masters Student
University of Waterloo
Masters Student
University of British Columbia
The primary aim of this workshop is to bring together individuals interested in designing haptic experiences with different backgrounds and levels of expertise and provide them with tangible tools to support collaboration and prototyping, taking into account the principles of inclusive design. The workshop is open to anyone with an interest in haptic design with backgrounds including domains such as design, HCI, storytelling, health, gaming, education and social justice. The event will be held in-person with the option for conference attendees to join virtually if required.
Positional Paper Submission is Optional Participants can submit two to four page position paper using the publication version of the ACM Master Article Template to introduce their experience in haptic design and their current work in the field. Your position paper should clearly link to as prompts for haptic design session. The paper should briefly introduce yourself or your team, provide an overview of what you believe important works in your chosen area are and present your own work in this context. You might highlight where and how your own work was able to build on that of others, as well as where and why this was difficult to do. These position papers will form the basis of the discussions and prompts for design session. Finally, those authors who wish to do so will have their accepted position paper published on the workshop website. At least one participant from a group that submitted an abstract must attend the workshop.
Information about the workshop will be available online in this website before, during, and after the workshop.
** Important Dates ** Submission Deadline: March 10th 2024 Notification: March 14th, 2024
We are excited to collaborate with you and explore new insights into inclusive haptic design. Join us in this exciting workshop to learn and design with others!
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